I have a huge repository (or collection) of sample Wireshark packet capture files for reference. I use them extensively for research and development of TOFFEE as well to understand various protocol PDUs and protocol standards. Out of which some I collected via official Wireshark website such as HERE and some I collected from PacketLife.net (url HERE). But apart from these I personally collected various test captures via Wireshark during my test and experimental research setup during the course of TOFFEE development.
Say if you are a student and learning Networking and or say VoIP data and VoIP packets, you can analyse my VoIP sample Wireshark captures. Or in other case assume you are doing some quick research (or development) and want to refer few handful of VoIP packets then you can download and analyse my sample packet capture files.
So here is my entire personal collection of sample Wireshark packet capture files which I captured myself in my lab.
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