Streaming CDN Types varies as per the type of the original streaming content you serve in a traditional content (i.e without CDN). And hence it eventually boils down to basic type of streaming content and a CDN to cater each specific type of the same.

On-Demand Video/Audio CDNs

On-demand videos and audio are the stored content which can be rendered/played on-demand by users. As one can understand this can be a free service or sometimes users will pay and subscribe the service. So to cater this you need to get On-demand video/audio CDN subscriptions from a CDN vendor or else you can build your own as a part of your private CDN infrastructure. Since these are stored content in the streaming server, you can get standard video playback control options such as: Play/Resume, Stop, Pause/Freeze, Jump forward, Jump backward, Fast Forward (FF), Slow Down, Reverse, Fast Reverse, Slow Reverse, etc.

Live Video/Audio CDNs

Live streaming, which refers to content delivered live over the Internet, requires a camera for the media, an encoder to digitize the content, a media publisher, and a content delivery network to distribute and deliver the content. Usually in Internet majority of videos are on-demand content. These days people watch increasingly live TV/News/Sports content on-line. So the media channel providers have to do their content delivery of their live feed via Live streaming CDN.

Advantages of CDN

Apart from this there are various advantages in using a CDN within your deployments. To know more about CDN Advantages kindly read the full detailed article HERE.

CDN Introduction

If you are new to CDN Technology, you can read the Introduction of CDN (Content Delivery Networks or Content Distribution Networks) over HERE.

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