TrafficSqueezer is an open-source WAN Optimization project. TrafficSqueezer is mainly a research project which is started around mid-2006. It is initially started as a research (or prototype) code even before it is officially registered in But this code is just primitive user-space raw socket modules. This is later refined and a pre-alpha version is created. Followed by which Alpha release. This prototype code is moved from user-space to Linux Kernel (Kernel Space) and then the journey begin in terms of making a serious WAN Optimization solution. Once the pre-beta and beta releases are complete the mainstream series is started.
Here is the complete historical timeline of TrafficSqueezer(and the new TOFFEE) project:
Aug-2017 | TOFFEE development and support is discontinued. Instead the new TOFFEE-DataCenter will be supported to all users. |
Aug-2016 | new TOFFEE-DataCenter – TOFFEE-DataCenter |
Jan-2016 | fork The TOFFEE Project – TOFFEE |
Apr-2015 | Raspberry Pi WAN Optimization Device |
Jan-2015 | Mainstream: SIRI Series |
Jun-2014 | Mainstream: SHREE Series |
Jan-2014 | Mainstream: SANVI Series |
Aug-2013 | Mainstream: COTTON-CANDY Series |
Jul-2012 | Mainstream: SOLAR-FLARE Series |
Apr-2011 | Mainstream release |
Dec-2010 | Beta release |
Jun-2010 | Pre-Beta release |
Sep-2009 | Launch: |
Dec-2008 | Alpha release |
Apr-2007 | Registered in Pre-Alpha release |
Sep-2006 | Started research on WAN Optimization |
TrafficSqueezer is mainly research centric and its purpose is to experiment WAN Optimization for Deep-space communications, Satellite networks and Mobile communications. Throughout many years its code and architecture underwent drastic changes so scale up and match these expectations/use-cases. The focus of TrafficSqueezer project is all about perfecting the WAN Optimization model and research than a very serious immediately usable WAN Optimization or Network Optimization software by every user in the world.
Introducing TOFFEE !
TOFFEE is a new fork of TrafficSqueezer project which is intended solely to cater Linux based Network Optimization platform and its related research (i.e: TOFFEE-Mocha, TrueBench, The Linux Channel, etc). Unlike TrafficSqueezer the primary objective of TOFFEE is not limited to research, but to bring in the change and make WAN Optimization suited for latest IT trends such as NFV, SDN, Virtualization, Software based WAN Optimization, IoT, and so on. Unlike TrafficSqueezer which is built in multiple stages and in multiple phases TOFFEE directly forked from the most latest mature version of TrafficSqueezer (mainstream). This way TOFFEE is not a project which is built from scratch. And so the new name TOFFEE hints new path, new direction, motivation, inspiration and a sense of simplicity.