Welcome to The Linux Channel – a Linux and Tech Youtube Channel for advance Linux users, systems and network software programmers and tech enthusiasts.
TOFFEE WAN Optimization software development, roadmap, live-demo – Update: 06-Nov-2016
TOFFEE WAN Optimization software development, roadmap, live-demo – Update: 06-Nov-2016
First TOFFEE Code Release
The old TrafficSqueezer website now redirects to the new "The TOFFEE Project" website. And right after a month I released the first TOFFEE code on 1st June 2016. I am extremely delighted and happy that things are happening as per the schedule.
Why TOFFEE is forked from TrafficSqueezer
TOFFEE is a new fork of TrafficSqueezer project which is intended solely to cater Linux based Network Optimization platform and its related research (i.e: TOFFEE-Mocha, TrueBench, The Linux Channel, etc).
First TOFFEE-Butterscotch Code Release
First TOFFEE-Butterscotch Code Release
TOFFEE-Butterscotch Bandwidth saver software development – Update: 17-Nov-2016
TOFFEE-Butterscotch Bandwidth saver software development – Update: 17-Nov-2016
TOFFEE-Butterscotch Bandwidth saver software development – Update: 28-Oct-2016
TOFFEE-Butterscotch Bandwidth saver software development – Update: 28-Oct-2016
Introducing TOFFEE-Butterscotch – Save and Optimize your Internet/WAN bandwidth
Introducing TOFFEE-Butterscotch – Save and Optimize your Internet/WAN bandwidth
TOFFEE-Mocha-1.0.32-1-x86_64 and TOFFEE-Mocha-1.0.32-1-i386 Code Release
TOFFEE-Mocha-1.0.32-1-x86_64 and TOFFEE-Mocha-1.0.32-1-i386 Code Release
TOFFEE-Mocha WAN Emulation software development – Update: 20-Oct-2016
TOFFEE-Mocha WAN Emulation software development – Update: 20-Oct-2016
TOFFEE-Mocha WAN Emulation software development – Update: 19-July-2016
TOFFEE-Mocha WAN Emulation software development – Update: 19-July-2016