TOFFEE-Mocha WAN Emulation software development – Update: 16-June-2016
TOFFEE-Mocha WAN Emulation software development - Update: 16-June-2016
a Linux and Tech Youtube Channel for advance Linux users, systems and network software programmers and tech enthusiasts
TOFFEE-Mocha WAN Emulation software development - Update: 16-June-2016
x283 WAN Optimization of SD-WAN VPN Network Overheads
Upgrading Ubuntu 17.10 to 18.04 via TOFFEE-DataCenter WAN Optimization Screenshots
Internet optimization through TOFFEE-DataCenter WAN Optimization Demo
TOFFEE-DataCenter Live Demo with Clash of Clans game data - 30-Aug-2016
Sample Linux Kernel Module to create a directory in /proc file-system as discussed in my YouTube video
/proc is one of the most popular kernel to user-space interface which you can leverage to add an interface to your Kernel code such as Kernel modules, Kernel Device Drivers,…
/proc is one of the most popular kernel to user-space interface which you can leverage to add an interface to your Kernel code such as Kernel modules, Kernel Device Drivers,…
Here is the Layer-3 IP multicast OSPF Packet raw sockets sample source-code discussed in the video:
Here is the Layer-2 multicast STP Packet raw sockets sample source-code discussed in the video:
Here is the VOIP SIP UDP Packet raw sockets sample source-code discussed in the video:
Here is the QUIC Protocol raw sockets sample source-code discussed in the video:
I shot multi-episode video series on sample libpcap user-space C code, which you can refer (below). And long ago I shot multi-episode video series on sending custom packets via raw-sockets…