When you learn programming usually you learn about various programming constructs. One of them is about calling APIs (functions) recursively. Recursive function calling is quite common in situations such as…
Although the current Linux Kernel source-code contain certain parts of the code written in assembly code (actually native CPU assembly instructions) and recently certain parts of code written in Rust…
A crash in User-space process (say something like segmentation fault) happens just in process virtual memory address space vs a crash in Kernel space (such as Linux Kernel which is…
Linux Kernel Tasklets and Work queues are somewhat similar to user-space process threads in terms of the functionality and of course not in terms of its operation or its internal…
Here is a detailed YouTube video on Linux Kernel custom compilation and customization via make menuconfig interface
NIC Cards (Network Interface Cards) traditionally contain controller chip which takes care of the core aspects, such as packet reception, buffering (till they are read by OS device drivers), etc.…
Learning Linux Kernel Programming is always fascinating and yet challenging. So generally you may tend to learn Kernel Module programming, since such a module can be dynamically plugged into running…
When you learn networking and network software programming, you learn various aspects of networking. Along with datacom concepts such as network switches, routers and so on. As you learn Ethernet…
Here is an interesting YouTube video in which I explain how you can interface a simple RGB LED module to Arduino UNO and you can cycle them slow fade from…
How to find a niche in your career, a short YouTube where in which I explain the connection between this quest and various Hindu gods iconography