If you want to deploy TOFFEE along with a web-proxy cache (such as Squid Proxy) you can deploy the same as shown below. TOFFEE does not cache files. TOFFEE does packet level network optimization. So if you want caching your web content you can use transparent mode web-proxy cache intercepting your WAN links. A web-proxy may reduce amount of data being processed (optimized) within these TOFFEE devices and so reduce the CPU overheads and improve its performance.

For example, TOFFEE deployment with Squid Cache proxy:

NOTE: As one can understand a web-proxy cache is not always applicable for all types of WAN traffic such as VoIP data, remote database connections, streaming content and so on. In situations like this TOFFEE is highly effective optimizing live, dynamic content like this by itself.
Learn more about: TOFFEE WAN Optimization deployment